CS LASIK Institute

9320 Grand Cordera Parkway, Suite 255 Colorado Springs, CO 80924

Why choose LASIK?

LASIK was developed for those people who would simply like to stop wearing glasses or contact lenses, and for those whose jobs require better vision, such a NASA astronauts and Air Force fighter pilots. The LASIK procedure eliminates the need to wear glasses or contact lenses for those who require vision correction because of farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism.

10 Reasons to Choose LASIK
10 popular reasons why so many people choose to have LASIK laser vision correction include:
– The freedom of not having to wear contact lenses or glasses any more
– The luxury of being able to wake up and clearly see the alarm clock in the morning
– The soothing comfort of blinking without the foreign body sensation of contacts
– No more fears of losing a contact lens or glasses
– No more worries of a contact lens related eye infection
– The ability to shop for and buy attractive non-prescription sunglasses
– All the extra space from not having to pack all those contact lens supplies
– The fun of playing water sports, or any sports, with friends and family
– Saving money without the constant expense of maintenance and upkeep from contacts
– Sharper and higher quality vision from LASIK compared to contact lenses and glasses

Call Us for a Consultation
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to enjoy the benefits of laser-based vision correction, our precision iLASIK procedure may be just right for you. To help insure optimal vision for you or your family call us to set up a consultation today!